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Footy Banner Tutorial

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If you have ever found yourself in the position of conceiving and crafting a footy banner, you'll understand that 4 hours (a friend took a week) of wrangling crepe paper and glue--for the sake of 6.7 seconds of paper-shredding glory--is enough to propel one headlong into the liquor cabinet.

Drink no more. Here is a tutorial that will hopefully take you 30 - 40 minutes. Seriously. And you'll retain your sanity, not to mention your liver.

You will need crepe paper, scissors, wooden poles at least a metre long, PVA glue and a sewing machine. Don't even think about sticky tape. Anyone who tries to tell you sticky tape sticks to crepe paper needs to be unfriended on Facebook (and maybe even unfollowed on Twitter).

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If you want to make a larger banner, just make two of these and sew them side by side. You'd also need to add more strips to make it deeper.

Here we go...

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click to enlarge

I hope this makes your child super happy, and keeps you out of the liquor cabinet. And one simpulan tip, make sure your camera is prepped and ready to go before your child begins running... it's over in seconds!

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